Peillac (56220)

Pratical Informations



07.06.21 → 06.08.21
Stéfan Tulépo, Research Residency at the Chapelle de la Congrégation in Peillac

Stéfan Tulépo, Cardiff Jewelry, 2018, glass and overhead projector

Stéfan Tulépo, Poule 1, Poule 2, Poule 3, 2010 to present, series of photographs of birds drawn in the dust

Stéfan Tulépo, Tracto-Cairn, 2014, photograph of a pile of Sizun slates

In the context of artists’ residencies supported by an initiative of the Drac and Regional Council, the municipality of Peillac has partnered with Minoterie21 to invite the artist, Stéfan Tulépo in residence. The residency is taking place in the Chapelle de la Congrégation, rue de la mairie in Peillac and will be followed by an exhibition in the same venue (see separate information in the agenda)


  • Please contact Minoterie21 if you wish to know times and dates when you can meet the artist 06 72 06 58 98
  • Residency at: La Chapelle de la Congrégation, 4, rue de la mairie à Peillac