
Fall information sessions

Every two months, a.c.b sets up collective information sessions on professional issues inherent to the contemporary art sector.


“Visual arts and artistic and cultural education in schools” document resource 

PREAC art contemporain, coordinated by a.c.b, is delighted to present its very first document resource !

A tool designed to support all players involved in the dynamics of artistic and cultural education (EAC) projects in the visual arts, particularly in school environment.

As a result, this document seeks to give concrete expression to the realities of EAC in the visual arts sector by :

  • Presenting the landscape of EAC in the visual arts – its players & networks ☞ identifying contacts and finding your way around;
  • Recalling good professional practices ☞ to work in a healthy & serene environment;
  • Presenting other EAC times & places ☞ to open up to other sectors & audiences.

We hope this it will help you get started, add to or consolidate your knowledge and experience, or even equip your partners!

More information on the resource sheet

Member mapping

3 workshops for the network

3 thematic workshops are launched, associating the members of a.c.b in all their diversity, to meet and imagine together concrete proposals to make things change, improve our working conditions and develop our professional sector in Brittany.

After the evolution of the network, this work by thematic site which will lead to the production of a “deliverable” (document, roadmap etc.) is the way the network chose to function to be in permanent dialogue and to advance on the development and the consolidation of our sector.




  • Towards an ecological transition in the visual arts, a more responsible sector? New project launched in 2024
  • How can we improve remuneration (for artists, freelancers and employees) in the sector? 
    Phase 1: Artistic remuneration. in progress
  • What are the levers for gender equality? in progress
  • How can the network communicate? What visibility for the sector?  closed

Further informations

A dedicated digital platform has been set up to facilitate the transmission of information for all participants, and to make the progress of each group’s reflections accessible. You can consult the minutes, access related resources, view the calendar and more.
☞ Visit the website (in french only)

Programs of the contemporary art places

Prepare now your next visits thanks to our online agenda which lists the current, or upcoming, programming of the structures members of the a.c.b network on the 4 Breton departments!


Join us

You are based in Brittany and would like to join a wider network of professionals in the field of contemporary art? Do you want to exchange, share good practices and participate in their progress?

Become part of a collective dynamic and bring your voice to the chapter by joining a.c.b. now!

To become a member, you can fill in the online forms below OR send us the elements by email presented in the document to be downloaded. (in French only)



Practical information

Office: 3 rue des Fossés, 35000 Rennes
Tel : +33 (0)7 88 46 72 66

The team

Director: Antoine Brun
Communication projects and PREAC contemporary art officer: Anna Déaux
Administrative and accounting assistant: Alice Jardillier

Would you like to contact us?

The team receives many requests every day. Although we would like to respond to each request individually and quickly, this is not possible. Please contact us by e-mail, specifying the subject of your request and taking into account the potential delay in our response.

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to consult the resources in the documentation area* or to find out about the calendar of network information sessions in our “actions” tab.

*This space was created in 2020 and is currently being redesigned. Some resources may have become obsolete.