
Created in 2002 around professional organizations in the field of contemporary art in the region, the a.c.b regional network has evolved in 2021 and federates today professionals of contemporary art.

The a.c.b organization aims to implement a cooperative approach for the structuring and development of the contemporary art sector in Brittany. As a network of competences, it federates the professional actors of the ecosystem and organizes all actions contributing to the realization of the objectives defined by its statutory authorities. It participates in the defense of the sector and the common interests of its members.

Rencontre publique organisée dans le cadre de la démarche de concertation des arts plastiques et visuels en Bretagne – SODAVI 2019-20 au Frac Bretagne, Rennes, juillet 2019 © a.c.b

A charter of values and commitments gathers all the members of a.c.b.

True text of intention of the network and common base for harmonious working relations between all the professionals of the contemporary art in Brittany, each member commits himself to sign and to give substance to this charter. In appendix: a vademecum of contractual recommendations for each type of member (structures, visual artists, independent artists and professionals of contemporary art).