Why join:
To commit to the charter of values and commitment and to help professional practices evolve;
To join a larger network of professionals;
Carry a stronger and more representative voice for the visual arts sector in the region;
To reflect together, to compare ideas, experiences and questions;
To exchange and share good practices and to participate in making them progress;
To act in a collective dimension;
To think about the future of the contemporary art sector;
To be a stakeholder and to propose ideas, lines of work, to give one’s voice;
To work together on common and transversal subjects;
To participate in the defense of the interests of our sector;
To be involved in the development of the activities of the a.c.b. network;
Support the association’s project and have access to information and resources
The members of a.c.b are grouped into 3 different typologies, each representing the main activities of contemporary art:
Criteria common to all 3 types of networks:
To recognize and commit oneself to the respect and promotion of the common values contained in the a.c.b. charter
The eligibility criteria for each type of member are detailed in the membership forms available for download below.
Active members pay an annual fee, the amount of which is determined each year by the ordinary General Assembly.
Fixed fee for individuals
Proportional contribution for legal entities of private or public law type structure
All the information and documents to be provided in the documents in download.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
The Board of Directors meets approximately every 2 months and examines the requests for adhesions on this occasion.
Les adhérent·es d’a.c.b sont regroupé·es en 3 typologies différentes, chacune représentant les principales typologies d’acteur·trices de l’art contemporain :
4 sessions annuelles par le Conseil d’administration qui examine à cette occasion les demandes d’adhésions.
L’adhésion à l’association est valable pour une année civile (soit jusqu’au 31 décembre de l’année en cours).
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour des informations complémentaires.